The role of affiliations in e-governmental developments


I. Tózsa - B.B. Budai

- A b s t r a c t -

The Information Society and Trend Research Institute at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the E-Government Research Team at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration established the domestic who’s who in e-government database, which was published in book, too The authors’ objective is to set up the database and to verify that the former political division of institutions has to be ceased and anomalies have to be overcome. They try to describe the further effects of this pilot product.

Till now, we talk about the social aspects of digital-divide, (or by some school : e-gap!). Whereas a brand new dimension opened which made a political and economic cleft around digital technologies.

Political division in Hungary: Around 2002, Hungarian general election produced a sharp political division. The ‘we consciousness’ and the ‘they consciousness’ killed lots of former friendships and professional affiliations, simply because people were stand either on the left (social-democrat) or on the right (conservative) side.

Previously there had also been a kind of division, but it was not so strong. Then the opposition manifested themselves in cyclic developments. (It meant in practise, that the all-time cabinet took only a four year period into consideration, and like the cabinet, the concept radically changed from election to election. So it was an inorganic reengineering.)

Economic division in Hungary: Several technological multinational companies try to make syndicates (behind brand names) winning the minor development firms themselves. These syndicates are sharply against one another. There are no reconcilable negotiations or dialogue among them.

However, another government approach, not focusing exactly on economic profit (but the social utility), and making cooperation obligatory for the syndicates, could speed up the growth of e -government. These approaches of course are theories, till the establishment of the knowledge-centres.

This paper answers the following questions: What are the real results of the database and the volume? Which kind of cooperation could function on this basic? Who uses, and who wants to use it (probably who will be able to use it)? What is its efficiency? What kind of effect can be generated (generating) from the political event (closely the governmental policy)? What are the perspective plans?

This paper is solely built on own experiences, not literature cited.

Istvan Tozsa - Balázs Benjámin Budai
Faculty of Public Administration
Department of Public Management and Urban Studies